Wednesday, December 11, 2019

A mixed bag of events

And these events have been both positive and negative. A few may have even been neutral in their end results.

One positive event was that the Credit Gods smiling on me for a little while. The simple fact is that I will shortly have a new, reconditioned laptop computer. Not only would it make my continued writing to this blog a bit more comfortable. 

Doing this shit on a phone, while not impossible, is a bit more challenging than I am willing to engage in...

On the negative side, I again have been schooled on how trusting people, especially people who have an addiction.

To be completely honest, the substance or behavior that is the root of their addiction matters little. The possible exception are the junkies. They love and hate being referred to in that way, as a badge of honor it has its merits. As a slur, issued by non-junkies, it is used as a bludgeon on those misguided souls.

I could elaborate on some of the other addicts not to be trusted. But to do so may possibly increase their urges. In particular those who are under the spell of some interestingly delicious  behavioral passions.

When they sing about food in some of those old blues tunes, they weren't singing about food...

Speaking of food, I shop for groceries with the mission of having to feed one person.  So it may look like there is an abundance of supplies at check time, with a few folks thinking that their ill gotten acquiersitions would never be missed, it doesn't take long for the fridge to be bare.

Anther item that seems to be popular with my light fingered friends are phone chargers.

Then we have the fashion plates who steal eaach other's clothes. I could go on, but the fact is that this episode is being written on a phone.

That should change by the end of the week. Which is a positive, that is wrapping a negative that is surrounding a positive, etc., etc, etc...

Sounding like Ul Brenner in The King And I.