It was indeed an extremely weird week.
Monday was Memorial Day. For unknown reason, I thought that a cookout was in order. Poorly thought out and planned, a few folks, who were already here we're about the only attendees.
A few hotdogs were grilled, a few beers were had and that was the extent of that celebration.
Tuesday was another matter entirely. The day started like any other monthly payday. Some debts were paid, some supplies were bought and then things went sideways.
It started when a friend toók me to Wallyworld for my monthly grocery run. I felt really out of sorts and asked to cut the trip short. When I did get home I thought some sort of overdose had occured. As it turned out, I was running a seriously high temp and was, for lack of a better word, delerious.
To be honest though I thought that I had indeed taken too much of something. I was out of my head and felt that I had the Covit. Testing proved that not to be the case, but for awhile I was convinced.
The night spent in the ICU was like being in a horror show. The sick sounds of people having their lungs vacuumed out, to too frequent screams from those truly on the edge of death left me badly shaken.
The balance 9f the week was a mixed bag. From my escape from the *CU and the hospital, to the trip home. The new people met, held in contempt, mistrusted or trusted a little. The dirbiveness of some debts and the hassle and hustle with a flipper and tank peddler.
On further note, I'm out of town and have enough medicine to get my through Friday.
So aft
Severe Addiction Linked to Vivid Dreams in Withdrawal
Relapse dreams during recovery: What do they mean?
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5 years ago